Definition of Complete blood count

1. Noun. Counting the number of white and red blood cells and the number of platelets in 1 cubic millimeter of blood.

Exact synonyms: Blood Profile, Cbc
Generic synonyms: Blood Count

Definition of Complete blood count

1. Noun. A measure of the number, concentration(,) and size of white blood cells, platelets(,) and red blood cells in one's blood. ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Complete blood count

1. The number of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets are present in the patients sample of blood is determined. most common test done on the blood. Acronym: CBC Synonym: full blood count. (16 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Complete Blood Count

complete A-V block
complete abortion
complete achromatopsia
complete antibody
complete antigen
complete ascertainment
complete atrioventricular dissociation
complete blood count
complete blood counts
complete cataract
complete cleavage
complete denture
complete denture impression
complete disinfectant
complete endocardial cushion defect
complete fistula
complete fracture
complete graph
complete graphs
complete hemianopia
complete hysterectomy

Literary usage of Complete blood count

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Primary Malignant Growths of the Lungs and Bronchi: A Pathological and by Issac Adler (1912)
"A complete blood count, including differential, and repeated several times during the course of the disease, should in the future be considered an essential ..."

2. Cancer of the Stomach: A Clinical Study of 921 Operatively and by Frank Smithies, Albert John Ochsner (1916)
"The complete blood count in the case with the maximum leucocyte count was as follows: White blood corpuscles, 36200; red blood corpuscles, ..."

3. An Index of differential diagnosis of main symptoms by Herbert French (1918)
"One should insist upon a complete blood-count in all these cases, however, in order to exclude pernicious anaemia, leukaemia, and the other conditions in ..."

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